This set includes:
- Chakra Journal & Workbook
- Chakra Meditation & Reference Card Deck
The Chakra Journal and Workbook boasts 18 full-color pages filled with practical information, activities & everyday practices likeMeditations, Chakra details, journaling prompts, pranayama practices
and much more…
"You cannot change your circumstances, the world, or your society to suit you. But if you have strength and determination you can go through this procession of life very successfully." - Swami Rama
My hope is that this book does a bit of the same for you. I wrote it as a gift to those that have the same hunger I experienced 20 years ago and still experience today.
I invite you to take this book and make it your own. Take what you need, leave the rest, and practice, practice, practice.
The Chakra Meditation and Reference Card Deck is the resource I wish I'd had as I started studying and practicing the Chakra System.
The Chakras information is clearly displayed in full color on quick reference cards you can use to build your practices.
The cards are full color on both sides and include comprehensive information useful to building everyday meditation practices.
Each card illuminates sometimes opaque information like the seed sound that is associated with each chakra, the sanskrit name of each chakra and its corresponding location in your body, and three cascading definitions of each chakra from a very succinct explanation to a long-form definition, the colloquial name of each chakra, and a deeply resonant meditation designed to bring awareness to each chakra individually.
Depending on your practices, you can use these cards to craft a daily meditation at any duration you desire. The cards are informative but they leave room for your own personal practicing preferences.
With consistent practice, the tools and products that Sacred Earth Magick offers can lead to life-changing benefits like increased happiness, a more fulfilling life, & a deeper connection to yourself and to others.