Limitless Bliss Blog

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." - Marcus Aurelius
We found a printer!

We found a printer!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Autumn Press came through for us

Autumn Press is located here in the Bay Area and I can't say enough about them. Miguel has been such an unbelievable resource for us. We have a small amount of experience in Desktop Publishing but certainly not so much that we didn't need a fair amount of guidance and Miguel supplied that in spades. His patience, depth of knowledge, and professionalism created the perfect container in which to bring our vision of the Chakra Workbook & Journal to life.

We are currently getting the book ready for publishing. We've been able to supply files of the artwork and the text to Autumn Press. In the next few weeks we will be printing a sample copy. Our next post will unveil the finished product.

What is really exciting to us is that due to Miguel's expertise we have devised a way to include the Chakra Meditation & Reference Card Deck inside a pocket included on the front cover of the book. We are now able to integrate the card deck into the design of the book - a gorgeous and elegant solution that has also opened the door include a large, cleverly designed front cover allowing us to add some gorgeous artwork that will add even more value.

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